The building permit approval process protects you, your family and
your property from safety hazards, personal injuries and property
damages. Building permits are issued to licensed contractors for
proposed work to your home that the town has deemed to require a
formal permit approval process. Building permits are generally
required for any project that will involve construction or
substantial electrical, plumbing, or mechanical work in New Jersey.
If any contractor performs any home improvement work without having
first received permit approval, then such contractor has violated
not only local law but also possibly the New Jersey Consumer Fraud
Act (the "Act"). Many home improvement contractors
violate the Act because they begin work on homes (1) prior to
receiving permit approval, (2) after being denied a permit, or (3)
without having applied for the permit whatsoever. Also, working
without a required permit can subject you, the homeowner, to fines
and penalties from local government and may leave the project
If your home is damaged by a contractor or the work needs to be
redone and that contractor did not receive permit approval for the
work prior to beginning such work, then you may be entitled to
triple damages (3 times the amount of cost
to repair or redo the work), plus attorneys' fees
for the lawsuit against the contractor. If your home has been
damaged, then you just have to prove that the contractor's failure
to obtain permits caused the damage. In
Cox v. Sears Roebuck & Co., 138 N.J. 2 (1994), the
court found that a contractor who agreed to perform home improvement
work on consumer's residence violated of the Act by failing to
obtain necessary permits, with the result that the contractor was
allowed to perform in a substandard manner with no government
supervision or inspection.
As stated by the New Jersey Supreme Court in
Cox v. Sears Roebuck & Co., "by beginning work without
checking for permits, [Sears] disregarded the regulation and
therefore violated the Act. Moreover, once a permit is obtained, a
code inspector will inspect the residence periodically and issue a
Certificate of Continued Occupancy to conform to the municipality's
inspection process. Because no permit was ever issued for the home,
no inspections took place and no certificate was issued. Had all
applicable permits been obtained before Sears began work, the issued
permits would have triggered periodic inspections of the
renovations. An inspector would have detected any substandard
electrical wiring or cabinet work and would not have permitted the
work to progress or have issued the required certificates until
Sears corrected the deficiencies. Because the inspections did not
occur, the wiring remained unsafe, the cabinets remained
unattractive and both resulted in a loss measured by the cost of
repairing those conditions."
Permits are required for (1) new homes, (2)
additions to homes, (3) remodeling homes, (4) decks, (5) sheds, (6)
tree houses, and (7) detached garages. Permits
may be required for: (1) new dishwasher, (2)
hot water heaters, (3) fireplace, (4) siding, (5) roofing, and (6)
fences. Permits are generally not required
for (1) painting, (2) carpeting, (3) tiling, or (4) wood flooring,
unless the subflooring or other structure is modified. Whether a
permit is required for any of the foregoing items depends upon the
regulations of each township and the size of the project.
Darren M. Baldo, Esq., CPA, LLM is an attorney who focuses on
litigation, contracts, collections, bankruptcy, wills, trusts,
estates, employment law and tax law. Visit for
more information or call 609-799-0090.
By: Darren M. Baldo, Esq., CPA, LL.M.